Educational system

Image: A green, open blackboard is depicted. On the blackboard the beginning of the poem “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, a mathematical and a chemical formula are written.


Preschool care

 Children, up to the age of 3 years, can be given into the care of a day nursery. Pre-schoolers, from the age of 3 until 6 years, can go to kindergarten. There exists also a preschool for children from the age of 5 years. Children, from the age of 6 until 15 years, are obliged to visit school in Austria.

Primary school

Primary school is visited by pupils between the age of 6 and 10 years and is the first step of the educational system. Primary school comprises of four grades.

Secondary School (Elementary level)

There are two types of secondary school in the elementary level: lower secondary education (Hauptschule) and grammar school (AHS or Gymnasium). These two types of schools are subsequent to primary school and also comprise of four grades. It is an option to visit grammar schools in case of good marks or after taking an admission exam. There exists also a new cooperative secondary school (Kooperative Mittelschule), which is a cooperative form of lower secondary education and grammar school. In some places there is also a model test of comprehensive schools (Gesamtschule).

Polytechnic institute

The polytechnic institute counts as 9th grade and is the preparation for an apprenticeship or training. Compulsory education ends after the completion of 9th grade.

Vocational schools

An alternative to an apprenticeship is the vocational middle school, which has three or four grades respectively (graduation with subject exam), or a vocational higher school, which has five grades (graduation with subject exam and higher school certificate (Matura)

Grammar school (high school)

This school type is subsequent to the elementary level. There exists also a “Oberstufenrealgymnasium” (i.e. secondary education school type with emphasis on science), which can be visited after completing a lower secondary education. Both types of school have four grades and pupils graduate with a higher school certificate (Matura).

Special needs school

Children, who are mentally or physically challenged and have special educational needs are able to visit this type of school. It is possible to complete the entire compulsory education in a special needs school.

University and College

Austria has a wide variety of universities and colleges. In order to attend university or college you need either a higher school certificate (Matura), or you need to take a university entrance exam for people with vocational training and experience (Berufsreifeprüfung) or an university entrance exam for people without the formal educational qualification (Studienberechtigungsprüfung)


Source: BMASK/BM.I


Enrolement for school

It is required to enrol children at a particular school, because otherwise they are not admitted. You can find information on this topic on the website of Austria’s education authorities.